Friday, September 19, 2008

Well-deserved Hype about Skype

Connecting with Clients and Colleagues

I first heard about Skype from a friend living in Hawaii, who encouraged me to use it so we could “see” each other and talk for free. Skype allows you to make calls to other users via the Web, FREE-of-charge, while incorporating video conferencing. While I was a little slow on the uptake (i.e. taking the time to arrange a camera), I recently signed onto the medium in order to better communicate with a West Coast tech-industry client.

I could barely contain my grin all morning long after my first Skype conversation. My bewildered coworkers thought I was crazy. I kept saying, “This is brilliant! Why have we not been using this before? Why isn’t everyone Skyping? We should use this at work to communicate better with designers!”

The process was simple (no harder than using Instant Messenger), the costs is FREE unless you are using it for direct-line phone calls or other services, and the personal connection you are able to make with coworkers, friends or clients outside your office is, in my view, invaluable. Thank you to the developers of Skype for enhancing my ability to communicate.


Kelly Robertson said...

Sounds like skype is worth the hype. Heehee.

Jacqueline Pace said...

I love Skype. And the PR Maven, she's so helpful!